Nara kvalitní jemná voda v nekonečně recyklovatelné plechovce. Voda v plechovce. Balená voda, Perlivá voda, Sodovka, Neperlivá voda, Minerální voda, mineralni voda, mineralka, mineralky, pramenitá voda.

Water is life

The human body is made up of 65% water.
Water forms the environment for chemical reactions in the body that make us breathe, make our hearts beat, digest food, think, sleep, move, even burn fat and many other reactions. Water brings nutrients to the cells and, on the other hand, removes all harmful substances and impurities from the cells. At the same time, water is essential for regulating body temperature and blood pressure. We cannot live without water, it is a basic element of our life. Water is life.
Alignment with life or water is key. As we treat water, it will treat us. For health, happiness, success, we have to treat water decently, "If we are decent to water, water will be decent to us. Since we are 65% water, will we then be 65% decent?" ¹. In the Nara team, we maintain a gentle, grateful and loving approach throughout our work with water, because we are aware that just by thinking or looking at water, its molecular structure changes. The right grip and cooperation will get you to the top.
1. Sadhguru (22/03/2019) The Mystical Secrets of Water [Youtube]
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  • Nara kvalitní jemná voda z českých pramenů v nekonečně recyklovatelné plechovce. Zdravější obal pro tělo a planetu. Voda obsahuje vyvážené množství minerálů a harmonickou živost. Voda v plechovce. Balená voda, Perlivá voda, Sodovka, Neperlivá voda, Minerální voda, mineralni voda, mineralka, mineralky, pramenitá voda, pramenitá voda, plechovka, plech